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Promoting a prosperous community by providing a progressive workforce system
The Workforce Development Council of Benton and Franklin Counties (Workforce Development Area {WDA 11}) is dedicated to enhancing the economic vitality of our region by providing quality workforce services and resources. We connect job seekers, employers, and community partners, fostering a thriving workforce that meets the needs of local industries.
Executive Director
Fiscal Director
Workforce Programs Director
What is the Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council?
At Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council (BFWDC), we believe that our community's strength lies in collaboration. By connecting local businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations, we work together to empower residents and create meaningful opportunities for everyone. Our partnerships ensure that training programs meet real-world job market needs, enhancing our community’s workforce.
The BFWDC serves as a vital hub for regional workforce development, managing an operating budget of over $5.1 million in grants, including Title I of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) and various State Grants. We support the local One-Stop Center, WorkSource Columbia Basin, and provide targeted services for youth and young adults through TC Futures.
Our consortium comprises dedicated partners, including Career Path Services, Columbia Basin College, the Employment Security Department, and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Together, we lead the One-Stop Center and are devoted to fostering a workforce system that benefits all community members and drives local prosperity.
Get Involved
Together, let’s build a brighter future for Benton and Franklin Counties! By fostering a network of regional partnerships, the BFWDC serves as a central resource for gathering and sharing information on community needs, local labor market data, and workforce trends.
We are dedicated to creating pathways for success that benefit not just individuals, but our entire community. Your involvement matters!
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