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Executive Committee 12.18.2018


Updated: Jan 25, 2019

Benton Franklin Workforce Development Council

Executive Committee Minutes

December 18, 2018

4:00 p.m. at the Room #9

815 N Kellogg St, Suite D

Kennewick, WA 99336


Todd Samuel called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending.


Minutes from the November 27, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting were provided to members for review.

Bob Bertsch moved to approve the November 27, 2018 Executive Committee minutes as presented, seconded by Dennis Williamson. Motion carried.

WDC Branding Updates – Sonee

Sonee provided a prototype of a new WDC Logo. We are wanting something that will capture what the Tri-Cities is about with a modern feel. She is also working to finalize a new website that should be out in the next few months. Todd asked for feedback from the board members. There was a question about including the established date give. Sonee explained that establishes our history and stability. Todd suggested that we come up with a tag line. Sonee explained that in the future, we will be working on a vision and mission statement. Melanie expressed that we want to make sure that it doesn’t just address the Tri-Cities, but that it encompasses all the Benton and Franklin Counties. Everyone liked the look and feel of the logo.

Dislocated Worker Contract Update – Diana

Diana shared that we are close to getting the DW contract fully executed. It is currently at the Benton County Commissioner’s office for final approval and signature. ResCare has received a letter to incur cost in the meantime. ResCare and their attorneys have reviewed and signed off on it.

Diana also shared that two of the three of ResCare’s DW Case Managers have resigned and their third Case Manager has transferred over with a focus on the Rapid Response Contract and employer outreach to obtain OJTs. They have hired two new people with a third one starting in January. They will be spending the next month training and bringing their staff up to speed. Two of the new case managers are bi-lingual. Rachel shared that she is excited to move forward with her new staff. There are good things to come.

WorkSource Certification Update -

Crystal was sick and unable to be in attendance. She provided the matrix of what they are working on as well as some notes. Todd shared that they are working hard on all the identified areas and are on track for requesting full certification in June 2019.

Melanie shared that she would like to offer a training on breaking down the barriers with mentally disabled.

Todd asked Diana if she felt that they were on track for certification. She answered that she feels that we will be right on target. The changes that are being made have made a very positive impact on staff. This will be ongoing as the customer need changes.

Sonee shared that the Business Services Team is made up of all different agencies but refer to themselves as WorkSource. Bob reiterated that he felt the pride and team spirit at the tour provided to the Youth Committee Members.

Melanie is still concerned about showing outcomes. How do we show the work that is being done? Are employer services up? Are more customers being served? We want to see data that proves the improvement. Diana shared that they are accumulating the data this year to use as a baseline to move forward.

Todd shared that eight months ago he came through the center and nobody spoke to him. He did the same thing a couple of weeks ago and had three people come and ask to help him. He was impressed by the increased level of service. Cynthia shared that there is a lot more positive feedback from the community. By going through this process, it is making the center better.

Business Services Update - Sonee

Sonee pointed out the Business Services report. Earlier in the year they had no way of tracking employer services. They looked at this and started tracking. She reiterated that this year is a baseline.

Melanie asked for clarification on what a service is. What are we counting? Sonee shared that she is working on a Business Services report that captures more information and explanation. Diana suggested that we provide the ETO report that gives the service catalog.

Todd asked about social media. He asked Sonee if she felt it was being successful. She showed a graph that demonstrated the growth in followings. We are the most “liked” WorkSource in the state. We are looking at 1,000 to 5,000 in engagement per item. She feels that it is making a huge impact.

Liaison Report – Sonee

Sonee shared that because the meeting was moved up, she did not have all the data that she normally has. She walked through the report highlighting several areas and progress being made.

There was a question about customer feedback. Melanie noted that there were only 16 responses last month. Becky explained that currently the survey is in prototype from the Barriers and Access Solutions Committee and is currently only in paper form. Matt shared that they have an electronic survey platform that they would be glad to share with the center. Diana explained that we take the information back to staff meetings and consortium as needed.

Other Business:

· Todd mentioned that he noticed the new reader board outside. He asked what the procedure was for what goes on the board. Becky shared that Crystal oversees the software. Crystal is currently working on a procedure and process on how people can request information to go on the board. Todd shared that he would like for us to have a focused plan with a proposed impact that we would like to accomplish. He asked that staff be prepared to share this information at the next meeting. What is our return on investment? He wants WDC to give Crystal the plan and purpose for the sign.

· Todd reinforced how pleased that he is with Tiffany and the work that she has been able to accomplish. She has been working through a to do list and has been consistently checking things off. He also shared his appreciation to the staff. Melanie shared that she can see the progress that staff is making.

Roundtable: Board members went around the table sharing happenings from their agencies.


Executive Committee Meeting – Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. – WSCB Room #9

Quarterly Board Meeting – Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.


The meeting of the Executive Committee adjourned at 5:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

___________________________________ ____________________________________________

Todd Samuel, Board Chair Date Becky Smith, Executive Assistant Date


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815 N Kellogg St, Suite C
Kennewick, WA 99336

Tel: 509.734.5996

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Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council receives support and funding from US Department of Labor grants. Read more about USDOL grant funding at Stevens Amendment | Benton-Franklin WDC (

Benton-Franklin Workforce Development Council is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. WA Relay Service: 711

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